Every time you obtain a new hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, the account is made and as automated as the whole process can be, there are always some things that are handled manually. For a virtual or a dedicated server there are even more things to be done considering that these kinds of web hosting often require a manual setup, software installation and configuration, checking the server setting in order to ensure that all things are working the way it should, and so on. To cover the cost for the time and efforts these tasks take, many companies require a one-time installation cost to be paid by their customers in addition to the price for the cloud hosting. The fee often is valid for any new web hosting account being acquired and it is very rarely mentioned on the company’s web site, but it would appear on your checkout page.
Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting
We never charge anything on top of the price of the Linux cloud package that you pick, therefore you won't be required to pay any installation costs or any kind of charges except for what you've already noticed on the front page. We think that being honest with our customers is of crucial importance for developing a long-lasting business relationship, that's why we will never require that you pay obscured fees of any sort, particularly for something that's nearly entirely automated and takes several minutes to be performed by our platform. You will not pay installation costs even when you acquire numerous accounts and they will all be entirely active straight away, so that you'll be able to begin taking care of your websites. The overall amount that you'll need to pay for all of our packages is the same that you will see on the home page.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you acquire a semi-dedicated server package through us, you will pay just the monthly charge that is already displayed on our site. The account will be generated on our servers and we'll activate it in a couple of minutes without extra fee. This will be valid for each and every monthly fee and irrespective of the total number of accounts that you acquire. It's our belief that it's not reasonable to charge additional money for a process that we've virtually fully automated, therefore you won't ever see any sort of setup charges or another hidden fees. For this reason, the rates that are displayed on our front page, on your payment page and on your bank statement will be exactly the same.
Setup Fee in VPS Hosting
If you choose to acquire your new Virtual Private Server from our company, the total cost that you will have to pay on signup is the same both on our home page as well as on your bank statement. We do not charge any kind of setup fees or any other concealed charges on top of the VPS regular monthly price. Although the setup takes time, it's almost completely automated, so we think there is no reason to ask for anything extra for a few more clicks on our end. In case you have a shared website hosting account through us and you acquire a virtual server equipped with our Hepsia Control Panel, we will move all your data and even in such a case, we'll never require you to pay anything more than the regular monthly fee for your virtual private server package.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Web Hosting
Our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages lack any setup or other hidden charges. Through the signup process, you'll pay only the regular monthly cost for the plan that you've selected. Once you place your order, we'll put together and test your new machine, and then we'll set up all the software that you need to have a completely operational server - OS, web hosting Control Panel in case you have picked one, web server, MySQL, etc. All these tasks are part of the plan and come for free, which means that the signup payment and all your forthcoming renewal payments will be identical. If the server is equipped with our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared website hosting account through us, we will even move all of your content on your new server free of charge.